Labyrinth of Life
Consort Music and Songs by William Byrd
William Byrd. With him, it all started for B-Five. When they first played one of his many In Nomines, they were sold. How those five voices each took their own path and yet seemed to talk to each other: it fascinated them. So ingenious, so lively, so melancholy and so full of deep humanity. Byrd rules!
In this programme, B-Five deepens their admiration for the "Father of English Music" with a delightful selection of polyphonic pieces and cheerful dancing variation series. Top soprano Sunhae Im weaves her feathery voice through the flutes of B-Five and brings some of Byrd's most moving "consort songs". Subtle quirky beats alternate with dark melancholy, frisky shepherd tunes with solemn life lessons. A colourful homage to Byrd's equally colourful genius.
William Byrd: Though Amaryllis...
William Byrd: Labyrinth of Love
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